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 Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese

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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptySun Jul 03, 2011 9:23 pm

A.D. 1603 - Manila, Philippines
24,000 massacred by Spaniards when Ming Mandarins
visited the islands sparking fears of Chinese dominance.

A.D. 1662 - Manila, Philippines
30,000 put to sea and expelled from the Philippines.
Those caught outside the Parian (Manila's Chinese
ghetto) were beheaded immediately.

A.D. 1639-1640 - Manila, Philippines
20,000 die in anti-Chinese violence

A.D. 1686 - Manila, Philippines
Anti-Chinese violence

A.D. 1740 - Batavia, Indonesia (Batavian Fury)
10,000 Chinese slaughtered by Dutch when the Chinese
objected to forced removals to Sri Lanka as slave

A.D. 1763 - Manila, Philippines
Anti- Chinese violence

A.D. 1792 - Cholon, Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)
10,000 Chinese massacred in the Tay Son movement's
retaking of Cholon from Nguyen Anh who in 1780 had
proclaimed himself the new Nguyen ruler. According to
Nguyen records, Nhac of Tay Son lost one of his closest
aides, killed by Nguyen troops who happened to be ethnic
Chinese. In revenge, Nhac ordered the killing of ethnic
Chinese in the city including the women and children. It
has been speculated that this act was also to destroy the
ethnic Chinese commercial monopoly.

A.D. 1823 - South Borneo
10,000-20,000 Chinese massacred when Chinese "kongsi"
resisted the withdrawal and reselling of mining
concession to the Dutch by local Sultans due to
monetary jealousy and rivalry.

ca. A.D. 1824-1851 Reign of Rama III - Thailand
A band of Chinese insurgents capture and loot the city
of Chachengsao, causing the majority of the Siamese
population to flee the city. The government successfully
dispatched troops to put down the affair. After a few
confrontations one of the rebel leaders changed sides
and led his troops to capture the other rebel leaders. The
rest of the rebels soon fled the city and were surrounded
by the government troops. The town folk returned and
initiated a massacre. Some Chinese tried to flee by
becoming monks, but were not spared and many hanged
themselves to avoid the slaughter. Deaths numbered in
the thousands.

A.D. 1857 - Sarawak, North Borneo
2,000-5,000 Chinese massacred by Raja Brooke when a
Hakka gold-mining "kongsi" failed to murder him. Liu
Shanbang led 600-armed miners from Bau Lama to attack
Kuching on the 18th of February 1857. He succeeded in
the attack but James Brooke escaped unhurt. Liu became
the de facto 'Rajah' of Sarawak for 5 days from the 19th
to the 23rd of February after which Liu and his men
retreated to Bau when Tuan Muda Charles Brooke with
his Dayak force from 2nd Division (Sri Aman) retaliated.
Liu Shanbang was killed at Jugan, Siniawan on or about
the 24th of February. His men and their families were
mostly killed or suffocated to death by the Rajah's men at
Mau San and Ghost Cave areas with some managing to
escape to Indonesia.

A.D. 1871 - Los Angeles, California, USA
19 Chinese die when white Los Angeles citizens go bezerk
after the accidental killing of a white man by a Chinese

A.D. 1877 - Chico, California, USA
Anti-Chinese violence.

A.D. 1885 - Rock Springs, Wyoming, USA
Anti-Chinese violence.

A.D. 1887 - Snake River, Oregon, USA
31 Chinese miners massacred in a 2-day orgy of violence.

A.D. 1890s - San Francisco & Seattle, USA
Thousands of Chinese were assaulted in "pigtail cutting
parties" by unemployed white vigilantes frightened by
the Yellow Peril frenzy.

A.D. 1942 - Singapore (Operation Sook Ching)
70,699 Chinese tortured and/or killed by Japanese
Kempeitai in Colonel Tsuji Masanobu's "Sook Ching" or
Purification/Ethnic Cleansing in reprisals for overseas
Chinese support of mainland China against the Japanese

A.D. 1942 - Malaya (Operation Sook Ching)
40,000 Chinese killed by Japanese Kempetai in the
continuation of the Singapore Sook Ching.

A.D. 1946 - Malaya
The withdrawal of Japanese troops created a power
vacuum in Malaya. The predominately Chinese MPAJA
representing the victorious Allied forces with the approval
of the British, streamed out of the jungles to assume
control of towns and villages to impose law and order
prior to the British arrival. However, brutal reprisals and
witchhunts of Japanese collaborators and police personnel,
many of which were from the Japanese favoured Malay
population polarised the conflict along racial lines. Malays
retaliated with a fiery brand of Malay mysticism, Islam and
martial arts, forming the Red Band under Kiyai (Tok Guru)
Salleh and the Sabilillah. The Japanese, angered by the
MPAJA guerrilla activities during the occupation, joined the
Malays in the Batu Pahat area of Johor state to clear the
area of Chinese elements. The fighing spread thoughout
Malaya with the worst fighting occuring in Northern Johor
and central Perak states. Thousands died in the fighting
with large areas cleared of Chinese settlers who were
forced to flee to the larger cities.

A.D. 1948 - Batang Kali, Malaya
14 British soldiers in search of communist guerrillas in the ethnic Chinese village of Batang Kali, opened fire on unarmed men and torched the village.

A.D. 1965-1966 - Indonesia
500,000 killed in anti-communist violence, many were
local Chinese suspected of communist activities, others
were those who joined the PKI (Parti Kommunis Indonesia)
ignorant of the ideology but attracted by it's stance for
defending worker rights, while many others were innocent
victims caught in the frenzied bloodletting of racial
jealousy and animosity.

A.D. 1969 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1500-2000 Chinese dead from racial rioting sparked by
Chinese electoral victories in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur
which prevented the formation of a Malay dominated state
goverment in Selangor and the 2/3 majority in Parliment
required to push through constitutional amendments
without a referendum.

A.D. 1998 - Jakarta, Indonesia
Thousands of Chinese businesses and homes were burnt,
looted and smashed when rampaging youths, chafting
under the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, blamed the Chinese
for their sufferings and rioted in the streets of Jakarta.
Untold numbers of Chinese were killed, Chinese girls were
gang-raped and houses plundered. The Indonesian police,
unable or unwilling to stop the violence, prompted residents
of housing estates to band together to erect barricades,
arm themselves and to employ armed guards to patrol the

sedih Let's take one minute of silence for them.
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyMon Jul 04, 2011 8:13 am

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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyThu Jul 28, 2011 11:08 pm

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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptySat Jul 30, 2011 9:24 pm

ada mau ngebahas ttg tragedi 98? gw kadang ngmngin ini ma temen2,tapi kyknya tetep ada perasaan gk enak kalo diomongin lagi sedih
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyMon Aug 01, 2011 9:55 am


ttg 98,
waktu itu gw masih kecil bgt,
gw masih di daerah (yg notabene : ga terkena imbas)

dan setelah gw ke jkt,
gw baru sadar dan tau,
tragedi 98 itu bener2 tragedi sedih
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyMon Aug 01, 2011 5:50 pm

kalo gw mayan deket ma jkt sih d bgr. pas kejadian sklh langsung dipulangin terus gw ma nyokap gw balik deh bareng2 sama ibu2 yg laen. di jalan kosong melompong gada orang sama sekali. rame2 bergerombol aja jalan kaki gada angkot ato yg bisa jemput ketakutan semua.

cuma kalo toko2 dijarahin di bakar keknya gak parah.. tiap kali inget tragedi ini tuh kesiannya sama cew2 yg diperkosain. banyak yg gila, bunuh diri.. terus yaudah sisanya cabut keluar daripada malu disini. jadinya gada korban ato saksi kejahatannya.. huff.

kalo ngeliat list diatas knp coba sellau org cina yg disasar di seluruh dunia? ada yg bilang itu krn salah org cina sndiri yg eksklusif dan gak mau membaur... tapi kalo kejadian yg disini sih mnrt gw karena brainwashednya si son of a bitch suharto. selama orba dia ngelakuin cultural genocide thdp kebudayaan dan trdisi chinese... dan kita juga dipersulit dalam berbagai bidang. hasilnya yah satu2nya bidang yg bisa dijalain sama org cina cuma bisnis doang. terus karena itu dianggap kalo org cina dateng kesini cuma mau ngeruk duit doang, gada nasionalismenya. sejarah2 dulu gada yg diliat.
terus anggapan kalo org cina kaya semua.. bullshit bgt, apalagi teori yg bilang 70% kekayaan nasional dikuasai cina.. dari angkanya aja udah ngerendahin intelegensia bgt!

cuma dulu gw pernah baca buku sejarah amerika gitu. nah disana juga kan sering org cina dibunuh2hin.. kata penulisnya sih krn kebanyakan takut ma org cina. disebutnya jew from the east. came up with nothing, ended up with everything. karena biasanya org cina yg merantau dateng tanpa bawa apapun, tapi akhirnya bisa sukses.. sedih
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyMon Aug 01, 2011 6:45 pm

gw jg banyak denger ttg tragedi mei dan sempat kesel dalam hati..
sebenarnya gw gk yakin kalau tragedi mei itu khusus ditujukan untuk etnis chinese,semoga aja bukan..agar tragedi seperti ini tidak terjadi lagi ke depannya..
satu pemikiran ttg "tumbal mendadak" karena pada saat itu untuk menjatuhkan ekonomi dan mengubah jakarta jadi medan "chaos".. dan kebetulan pemilik mal dan toko2 itu banyak yang chinese..
tapi alasan yg lain menyebutkan karena sifat orang chinese yang tidak mau membaur jg gk sepenuhnya salah. karena sampai sekarang juga masih banyak etnis chinese yang seperti ini.
apa alasan mengubah jakarta jadi arena?
untuk menjatuhkan soeharto dari tahta, kudeta dari petinggi TNI
jelas keliatan karena mereka benar2 tidak bertindak pada saat itu..
dan jakarta benar2 jadi arena..
bbrp pihak mengambil kesempatan dengan menjarah dan melakukan pemerkosaan..
saat itu mental orang chinese bener2 ditebas..

kadang berfikir kalau orang chinese itu menghadapi ujian hidup dengan style mereka sendiri.. yaitu bersabar dan menyelesaikannya dgn cara baik2... tapi sering pula gw berpikir karena chinese itu minoritas dan kalah dalam jumlah,mental kita jadi ciut.. hal seperti inilah yg sebenarnya terjadi di masyarakat..
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyTue Aug 02, 2011 11:21 am

gw baca cerita nya,
kasian sedih sedih sedih

banyak kok dari mereka (korban) yg keluar dan tumbuh dg baik disana..

ada yg uda nonton kick andy yg bawa tema ttg tionghoa ?
itu bagus bgt..

ada salah 1 statement nya begini :
-ketika kami berusaha mati2an, dg meminimalkan makan demi berusaha, kalian dg santai nya meminta uang pajak keamanan

ketika kami telah ada, kalian memaki2 kami karena telah mencuri uang bangsa.

hell yeah,
emg agak keras,
tapi gw cukup setuju dg itu

came up with nothing, ended up with everything.
itu semua karena usaha,
ga mungkin karena org cina dateng, lalu di rumah mereka hujan duit,
di kira dongeng apa,
kenapa mereka jg ga mau usaha,,
waktu kita masih belom 'ada', mereka menghina2 dan memeras
pas ketika kita uda 'ada' mereka baru heboh2, mengutuk segala macem..

gw bukan nya ga mau membaur,
di daerah gw (riau)
gw chinese, dan sekolah semua negeri,
gw bener2 fine, dan ga ada masalah,
kita bener2 rukun,
ada temen gw (muslim) mau mengadakan buka puasa bareng,
tapi karena lahan sekolah uda di book,
dan ckup mendadak pemberitahuan dari sekolah,
pihak dari gereja gw ngasih tempat kok..
dan gw ikutan tuh makan bareng mereka,

dan ketika gw sampe di jkt,
gw agak shock dg pandangan org2 (gw sebut merk aja ya, betawi) ke gw (chinese)
terasa bgt kesan perlakuan dan pandangan sinis mereka ke gw sedih
karena itu jg gw akhir nya menjaga jarak dg org2 ga di kenal,
tp kalo emg uda ama tmn2 lain cerita yah,
curhat ga jelas:
gw kalo nemu chinese, ntah nko2, ato om2, ato cici ato tante lah di jalanan,
pasti gw senyum gitu,
kalo emg terlihat kebingungan yah gw bantu tanyain kenapa,
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyTue Aug 02, 2011 3:39 pm

Cool gile ganteng lu boy! ntar gw ikutin cara lu lah di jalan.. Very Happy
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyTue Aug 02, 2011 5:59 pm

nice share,boy..
moga aja aja kejadian begini tidak terulang lagi..
tp kalo dilihat2,semakin ditekan,org chinese jadi makin tangguh ye..
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 8:54 pm

@ bojep
yah siap2 mental jg lah,,
ga jarang jg kok gw di liatin dari atas ampe bawah,,
di kira stalker kali ye,,

padahal maksud cuma mau belajar dari semut, saling sapa hahaha..

trus, liat keadaan jg,,
kalo ga memungkinkan utk senyum ya jgn di paksain ntar bahaya,,
*kalo lagi nyebrang jalan jgn di coba dah

@ des jung
thank you :)
mental2 kita pada umum nya bukan mental yg lembek,
bawaan dari leluhur x ya ?
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyWed Aug 17, 2011 10:34 pm

gila..keren2 loh kata2 xlian...
g baca na sampe keluar api..alias berkobar2 semangat na..g semakin bangga dgn suku g..

yach walaupun dulu2 sempet ngerasain banget yg nama na di tindas..
apalagi pas SD..mentang2 g kecil..selalu di tindas g sama tmn SD cow badan na gede..sedihh... Crying or Very sad

tp, gpp dy cuma bisa nindas g slma 1bln doank selebih it ga berani dy..wkkwkwk..

kalo ngomongin soal tragedi 98..
bener2 dahhh...sedih..walau saudara2 g yg di sini ga ad yg kena..
tp sedih banget yg sm2 org china trus kena musibah it..

yg g tau c awal dr tragedi it sebenar na dr antar suku..suku madura (penganut islam) dgn suku batak (penganut kristiani)..
nah karena ad yg iri sama org chinese yg sllu buka usaha n maju..di komporin dahh..jadi dech..
akhir na berbalik arah ngelawan qt yg sebenar na ga tau ap2..

soal org chinese ga mau berbaur..seperti na awal na jg it krna mereka kalee..
tau ndri org chines..seberapa bs memaafkan..masa lalu pasti akan di ingt..apalgi pahit na hidup..yg bs bikin trauma..

dulu qt di tindas..sekarang saat na roda karma berputar..
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 10:41 pm

kalo soal gk bisa membaur, dari dulu gw sering bgt di doktrin sama papa gw,
karena org chinese itu adalah org yg berprinsip timur, org2 yg punya dao li 道理。
seringkali pembauran itu membuat org chinese malah jadi gk chinese lg..hehe

oh iya,berhubung ini trit tentang overseas chinese.. gw jadi pengen bikin topik berbeda.. yaitu penindasan bangsa chinese di negeri mereka sendiri..
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Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese   Massacre and Slaughter of the Overseas Chinese EmptyMon Aug 29, 2011 1:26 am

des_jung wrote:
kalo soal gk bisa membaur, dari dulu gw sering bgt di doktrin sama papa gw,
karena org chinese itu adalah org yg berprinsip timur, org2 yg punya dao li 道理。
seringkali pembauran itu membuat org chinese malah jadi gk chinese lg..hehe

oh iya,berhubung ini trit tentang overseas chinese.. gw jadi pengen bikin topik berbeda.. yaitu penindasan bangsa chinese di negeri mereka sendiri..

wokeh tak tunggu, biar rame lagi dah. Very Happy
falun termasuk penindasan dalam negri gak nih? hehe Very Happy
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